Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What does small really mean?

Check out this post from SMA board member Jason Illari for the SMAC blog on "What does small really mean?"


Monday, August 5, 2013

Employment Opportunity: Poe Baltimore

Contract Responsibilities
Poe Baltimore

2 days per week (or 16 hours)
12 weeks

Poe Baltimore, Inc. seeks to hire a temporary, part-time independent contractor to oversee, manage and plan fundraising efforts towards the re-opening of the Edgar Allan Poe House and National Historic Landmark.  The successful candidate will also manage and coordinate opening hours during “Free Fall Baltimore” weekends.  This temporary position is being created in order to solidify the Board of Director’s fundraising efforts, with the ultimate goal of opening the Poe House with regular hours in 2014.

  • Establish regular communication with the President of Poe Baltimore and the Board of Directors,
    • Formally reports to the President of Poe Baltimore
  • Work with B&O Staff to implement of the Interpretive Plan
  • Represent Poe Baltimore, in concert with Board leadership, before granting organizations, potential members, and donors.
    • Develop basic form letters and documents necessary to communicate with members and donors
    • Develop plans for sponsorship development and solicitation and donor recognition
  • Establish relationships with key partners in the community.  Examples include the Baltimore National Heritage Area, Baltimore Heritage, Greater Baltimore History Alliance, Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance, Bromo Tower Arts and Entertainment District, and the Downtown Partnership.
  • Work with Fundraising Committee to identify new opportunities and apply for grants to support projects and programs
  • Work with the Board to develop a fund-raising plan and a sustainability plan for Poe Baltimore Develop recruitment and training plan for volunteers
  • Attend monthly Board of Directors meetings
  • Build and manage database of possible members from mailing lists provided by partner organizations.
  • Work with Event Committee to finalize and implement Free Fall Baltimore neighborhood event
  • Coordinate members of the Board of Directors and volunteers to staff the Poe House during Free Fall Baltimore.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President of Poe Baltimore

The candidate must have strong organizational, time management and communications skills and must exhibit an ability to work with people, stay on task, and produce quality results.

Please submit resumes to Kristen Harbeson (addis73@aol.com) by August 10, 2013