Monday, January 9, 2012

Conference Presenter: Nomi Dayan

When I saw this year’s conference theme, I just knew I had to give a presentation!
The subject "Adapt & Reuse: Fresh Ideas and New Approaches” could not describe our museum enough. Our museum has undergone a major change in the past few years. I was hired by the Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum in 2008 in an effort to help revitalize the museum’s vision and approach to education programs. I would like to share our experiences and inspiration with you and show you how we started new programs throughout the year, expanded our audience, rethought how we use our physical spaces, and revamped our offerings to adults, families, and children.
I plan to talk about the strategies I’ve used to maximize every inch possible, making creative connections between our mission and fresh program ideas (celebrating Chinese New Year in a Whaling Museum, anyone?), interdisciplinary learning in rotating stations, and what I call “imaginative transformation” of a given space.
Take a look at the picture  – what’s going on? Why is there a boy absolutely thrilled for having found what he is holding? Join me on Tuesday morning for “Salt Water? Fresh Ideas: Creative Programs in Small Spaces to find out!
See you in Ocean City – and remember to bring your imagination!
Nomi Dayan
The Whaling Museum 


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