Friday, January 25, 2013

SMA Conference: Your Mission: Capture a New Audience Through Socially Engaging Programs

Your Mission: Capture a New Audience Through Socially Engaging Programs

For as long as I have worked at the Delaware Art Museum, it has been our goal to attract a new generation of first-time visitors and increase repeat visitation.  Chances are that if you work at a small museum, you are familiar with this goal, too.  But how do you do it? 

In the past couple of years, my Museum has developed a formula for programming that successfully attracts a new audience and keeps them coming back.  We believe that socially engaging experiences coupled with practical marketing strategies is what has our visitors hooked and reeled in.  

Join us for our session on Tuesday, February 19, and learn about three initiatives aimed at bringing in a new audience to the Delaware Art Museum.  You will gain practical and creative ideas for designing and marketing socially engaging programs that attract new, young, and multigenerational audiences to your museum. 

Prior to this session, think about a target audience your museum would like to attract.  As a part of our presentation, we will brainstorm some strategies to help you get started on building your new audience.

Saralyn Rosenfield
Manager of Public Programs & Interpretation

Delaware Art Museum
2301 Kentmere Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19806
302.351.8504 | (f) 302.571.0220

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